Pink Hat Digital Wizard

Digital Technology
It's supposed to make our lives easier but sometimes it just all seems so hard.
You master one thing and then you have to master another. YOUR brain just gets to a point when it just says STOP I can't learn one more thing today.
Believe me I know exactly how that feels. I used to think if only there was someone I could just have a chat with to make sure I am on the right track.
Well now you can...
You can book an hour of my time so I can untangle, unpick or just generally help you make sense of your digital issue.
A small price to pay for your sanity
You've spent hours trying to figure out why Mailchimp is not delivering your emails. It looks right but still doesn't work.
Feel instantly relieved as I go through every step you've taken and identify the little tiny holes that are stopping it from working.
You've spent hours trying to figure out what piece of software you need, buying it, installing it and then.
It just doesn't work how you know it should, or worse still it doesn't work at all.
Don't waste any more of your time buy some of mine. I have years of experience in solving just such dilemas both for myself, but more importantly for my clients. After all you're really good at what you do, you should be doing that and getting more customers.
You want to start something new but don't know what on earth you need to use to get it on the market and working for your business.
I have years of experience at strategic planning and implementation, combine this with my now years of digital integration and application knowledge and you have someone you can talk to who can help you make the best decision for your business in the long term. Not just fix todays problem to create another one down the road.
You had someone build you a new website and you simply hate it. You don't know how to use it and you know it isn't right but don't quite know what you should be looking for, or where to start,
Believe it or not this is one of the most common problems I see growing businesses struggle with. Let me take you through what best practice digital work is and then you can make an informed decision as to your way forward. In the very least you will understand what questions to ask.
It may cost you an hour of my time, but it could save your sanity. $195 + gst
Just click on the button below to book and pay for one hour of my time.
If even that seems too hard you can:
- give me a call on 0418675495 or
- drop me a line via my Contact. Page